Haut les Mains company was born in Lyon in 2007 under the leadership of Franck Stalder.
Haut les Mains company was born in Lyon in 2007 under the leadership of Franck Stalder. The company develops an artistic universe which is poetic and singular within the puppet offers with a range of various forms. For each creation, one or several musicians are live on stage. Then music takes a narrative, illustrative and informative role which allows to replace speaking and further oneirism and contemplative in some creations.
The company also wishes to open its work to other disciplines in order to always find a new place to the puppet and favour the intention of the piece.
Each creation is aimed at all audiences, accessible to young public of different ages according to the shows.
In 2023, Haut les Mains is associated to the “MeTT” > A big place for puppet art. Know more